Please be aware there is a significant risk posed by cyber fraud affecting law firms, specifically involving email accounts and
bank account details in an attempt to divert payments to unknown bank accounts. Fraudsters send scam emails useing
domain names similar to the genuine domain of the law firm.  Horizontal Law’s domain name is “” and
genuine emails from us will only ever use this domain name.

Emails are not secure.  We do not rely on email communication of bank account details without double-checking to a trusted
source.  All communications containing bank details should be transmitted to us in a PDF format and not in a word format.
Horizontal Law’s bank details WILL NEVER change during the course of a transaction and we will NEVER change our
bank account details via email.  If you receive a notification telling you our bank account details have changed or you are in
any doubt as to the authenticity of the email,  please do not send funds to us electronically without speaking to a member of
our team first to verify our account details.

We can only accept deposits made to our bank account with our prior agreement.  If you pay money in, contrary to our
instructions, we will not treat it as cleared and we will not be responsible for any ensuing issues.
We cannot transfer funds (in excess of £500) to your bank account unless you send us a copy bank statement for your
account.  This must show your name(s) and the bank name and the account number and sort code. We do not make payments
to third parties.

Horizontal Law’s will not accept liability for any transfer of payments into an incorrect account